Friday, September 25, 2015

News: Taiwan Association for Human Rights

Greetings friends!

Recently, I had the pleasure to take part in an event which has more meaning for me than you may imagine. On the 19th of September, I took part in a fundraiser for the Taiwan Association for Human Rights (TAHR) here in Taipei City. My sister-in-law, Dana Wu has been working with NGOs here in Taiwan for several years doing everything from offering assistance to foreign spouses in troubled relationships to working to abolish the death penalty in Taiwan. So, it was with great pleasure that I, along with her friend Kuan-ting Lin, performed a few songs as part of the fundraiser.

Kuan-ting and I at a rehearsal before the event
Being a musician can be like walking a tightrope, balancing one's ego against being of value and service to the community and the world. This was an opportunity to do the latter and I'm grateful for it.

This post is my way of saying thank you. If it's an encouragement to any of you to do something and if the performance gave some encouragement to those attending, then that means a lot to me. In fact, it means the world!

Yours truly,
Brent D. Scheihagen

PS If any good video of the performance should become available, I hope to share it with you.

Performing "More Than I Can Say" (written by my brother Kyle)
Performing "義無反顧" (written by Kuan-ting)

The projections behind us were arranged by Dana Wu
There are many excellent organizations dedicated to defending human rights and helping those in need. Here are a few organizations that have made human rights their priority and worth looking into if you have an interesting in contributing your time or money.

Amnesty International:
United to End Genocide:
And, course...
TAHR (台灣人權促進會):